Dance anywhere/everywhere

“Bringing Dance To The People”

Dance Beat At The Amazeum

Dance Beat At The Amazeum

Once Upon A Dance - An accessible library-based reading and dancing program introducing dance as art form, involving little ones in storytelling and see-and-do activities.


Faces - Come put a Face on dance and see an up close and behind the scenes look at how dance is made and how dancers train, rehearse and work. Meet the artistic director, guest choreographers and dancers of NWABT, get to know others who support the growth and development of dance arts for Northwest Arkansas.

Guest Choreographer and Faces Speaker, Gillmer Duran from Venezuela. 2019

Guest Choreographer and Faces Speaker, Gillmer Duran from Venezuela.

Dance Beat - Takes dance outside the theater and invites the community to experience dance as public art. Approachable, free, pop-up, public art performances, occur in some of Northwest Arkansas’ countless scenic urban and outdoor spaces.

Downtown Rogers

Downtown Rogers

Once Upon A Dance At Springdale Public Library

Once Upon A Dance At Springdale Public Library

NWABT’s vision to develop a professional dance company that presents creative and inspiring dance, contributes artists to the cultural fabric of the region, and explores innovation in both organizational and programatic development. With this opportunity comes great responsibility to reach a diverse audience, to make dance inclusive and accessible to all, and to enrich the lives of the people we serve.